NP Settles BP Oil Spill Claims

On April 19, one day before the first anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the Bay County, Fla., Tourist Development Council approved a $2.6 million settlement with BP PLC–the largest thus far to a governmental agency for tax revenue losses associated with the spill.

The deal was reached outside of court and apart from the Gulf Coast Claims Facility, which is handling the claims of businesses and individuals. Another governmental agency in Florida, the Walton County Tourist Development Council, settled for $2.4 million on April 13. A few months earlier, the city of Panama City Beach reached a deal for $1.2 million.

The legal team behind those settlements hailed from Daingerfield, Texas-based Nix Patterson; Tampa’s Fowler White Boggs; and Harrison, Sale, McCloy, Duncan & Jackson and Harrison Rivard & Duncan, both in Panama City, Fla.

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