NP to Represent 12 year-old Girl in Molestation Case

From the Perry Daily Journal:

Oklahoma City – The family of a 12-year-old Perry girl has retained the legal services of attorneys Cameron Spradling of Oklahoma City and Neil Smith of the nationally recognized law
firm of Nix Patterson in regards to the recent arrest of Perry Upper Elementary teacher’s assistant, Arnold Cowen, for molestation with 12 separate counts of lewd or indecent 
proposals/acts to underage children and buying, possessing and procuring child pornography.
 Recent events include a special School Board meeting Feb. 1, 2017, for the Perry School District to retain counsel. Mr. Spradling insists, “The people of Perry, Oklahoma have a right to know what happened and the truth is readily available to each and every member of this community through the courthouse.”

House Bill 1384 or more commonly known as the Parents’ Bill of Rights, which was coauthored 
by Perry’s Oklahoma State Senator AJ Griffin, and the Oklahoma Child Abuse Reporting and Prevention Act, require schools to report any and all sexual abuse allegations regardless of the principal and faculty’s opinion.

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