OK Physicians Settle; Whistleblower Rep by NP

Nix, Patterson, LLP represents a whistleblower who brought suit on behalf of the United States and the State of Oklahoma against a group of physicians and hospitals in Oklahoma.  The whistleblower (or “Relator”) filed suit under the False Claims Act and alleged that the defendants submitted false claims for reimbursement from Medicare and other federally-funded healthcare programs.  On July 13, 2018, the Department of Justice announced that certain defendants have agreed to pay $670,000.00 to settle two of the Relator’s claims.

The Relator alleged other claims against the settling Defendants and others; the parties continue to litigate those claims.

NP partner Michael Angelovich, along with co-counsel Whitten Burrage and Crowley Norman, lead the prosecution of this case.

NP article
DOJ Article

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