
Austin Tighe Represents CT Native American Tribe

The Connecticut Law Tribune featured Nix, Patterson, LLP attorney Austin Tighe in its July 13, 2017 issue, focusing on Tighe’s recent work for the Schaghticoke tribe in Connecticut. Tighe’s contemporaries say he is an expert at distilling facts and getting

Oklahoma Sues Opioid Manufacturers

NP and co-counsel Whitten Burrage (“WB”) have filed a lawsuit on behalf of the State of Oklahoma against several major pharmaceutical companies that manufacture highly addictive and often deadly opioid painkillers. The lawsuit alleges that the defendants—including Purdue Pharma, Johnson

NP to Represent 12 year-old Girl in Molestation Case

From the Perry Daily Journal: Oklahoma City – The family of a 12-year-old Perry girl has retained the legal services of attorneys Cameron Spradling of Oklahoma City and Neil Smith of the nationally recognized law
firm of Nix Patterson in regards

NP Moves to Certify Class in SeaWorld Securities Litigation

On May 19, 2017, NP and its co-counsel moved for class certification of the claims of investors in securities of SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc., in the SeaWorld Securities Litigation pending in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California.

Tighe Critiques CT’s Attempt to Avoid $610M Suit

The Schaghticoke Tribal Nation on Monday blasted Connecticut’s attempt to toss the tribe’s $610 million state court lawsuit seeking compensation for the alleged unconstitutional taking of its land and mismanagement of its funds, rejecting the contention that it lacks standing