
What Is Securities Law?

Recent financial scandals, including Enron, MF Global, and Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, have led to heightened public interest in securities law. Despite the notoriety of these high-profile cases, individuals and corporations do benefit from these regulations, which help increase confidence

What is a Class Action?

When a person — whether it’s a consumer, employee, or investor — experiences a problem that results in physical or financial harm, they may be able to sue the person or entity responsible for their injuries or losses. But what

What is Rule 23 of the US Federal Rules of Civil Procedure?

The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) are the laws that govern civil court proceedings in U.S. district courts. The Supreme Court promulgates these rules in accordance with the Rules Enabling Act, which “authorizes the Supreme Court to prescribe general

What Is a Qui Tam Lawsuit?

When it comes to understanding qui tam, you first need to understand the concept of whistleblowing. A whistleblower is someone who discovers wrongdoing — usually fraud — and brings that wrongdoing to public light. Whistleblowers may uncover wrongdoing on the