
Crow Creek Tribe Sues U.S. Government for $200 Million

The Crow Creek Sioux Tribe, which resides on a reservation on the eastern banks of the Missouri River in central South Dakota north of Chamberlain, is locked in a legal showdown with the federal government in the U.S. Court of

Austin Tighe Seeks $600M for Schaghticoke Tribes’ Lost Land

The Schaghticoke Tribal Nation is seeking hundreds of millions of dollars in damages from the State of Connecticut for land that it says was taken from the tribe’s northwestern Connecticut reservation, beginning more than two centuries ago. In a lawsuit

Lieberman, Tighe Sue CT for $610M Over Tribal Nation

Along with Nix, Patterson attorney Austin Tighe, former U.S. Senator Joseph I. Lieberman was introduced Friday as one of the lawyers demanding the State of Connecticut pay $610 million to compensate the Schaghticokes for 2,000 acres of tribal lands taken

NP Defeats Motion to Dismiss by Seaworld Entertainment

NP serves as co-Lead Counsel in this action on behalf of Lead Plaintiff Arkansas Public Retirement System, representing a class of investors in SeaWorld securities in the United States District Court for the Southern District of California. The class alleges

US Appeals Court Reverses Trial Finding on Amex

On September 26, 2016, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit reversed a district court’s ruling in favor of the United States Department of Justice which found that American Express violated antitrust laws through its anti-steering rules