Hobbs Oil Field Injury Lawyers

The good news is that the oil industry is booming in New Mexico. This has led to an increase in jobs, an improved economy, and a higher standard of living for many employees.

The bad news is that these benefits have also come with increased risks. The oil industry is extremely dangerous, over the past few years, hundreds of employees have been killed on the job, and thousands more have been injured. While many are able to recover, others are permanently disabled or disfigured.

If you work in the Hobbs oil field and have been injured, an oil field injury lawyer at Nix Patterson can help seek justice. We understand the oil industry in the Permian Basin and know how serious accidents occur there with startling frequency. Our personal injury attorneys have secured millions in settlements and verdicts and are ready to fight for your rights.

Why Do Oilfield Accidents and Injuries Happen?

Drilling for oil and gas in the Permian Basin is inherently dangerous, but many accidents in the field are caused by employee or employer negligence, as well as improper safety regulations. Common oil field accidents include:

Explosions and Fires

Oil wells and machinery in the vicinity regularly release flammable gasses and vapors. These gasses can be ignited by static electricity, friction, or flames and cause severe or fatal fire and explosion injuries.

Slips and Falls

OSHA requires safe, clean walking surfaces at all job sites. Still, there are many falls from equipment in the Hobbs oil field. Unfortunately, these accidents also happen in many other hazardous industries, and Nix Patterson’s attorneys can help with these workplace injuries.

Heavy Machinery Failures

The Hobbs oil field requires regular heavy machinery that can cause severe or fatal injuries if it fails. Therefore, state and federal laws mandate that oil field workers have extensive training to operate heavy equipment. Also, the machinery must be carefully maintained to prevent injury and death.

Truck Accidents

Many commercial vehicle accidents happen in the New Mexico oil fields. Truck drivers may work past their legally allowed limits, or perhaps they are distracted by a cell phone. Depending on the situation, you may be able to obtain compensation from the trucker and his employer for your losses.

Common Hobbs Oil Field Injuries

Injuries in the Permian Basin oil fields can range from minor to fatal. Hobbs oil field workers use heavy equipment that can easily cause severe crush injuries, amputations, and more. Common injuries in the oil fields include:

  • Amputated fingers and limbs
  • Chemical burns
  • Fractures
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Blindness from explosions and fires
  • Puncture wounds
  • Blunt force trauma
  • Concussions and other brain injuries
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Lung damage from breathing toxic fumes

Another common reason for severe injuries and deaths in the Hobbs oil field is caught-between accidents. For example, when trucks move heavy equipment in the oil field, workers are sometimes crushed against other vehicles and heavy machinery.

How Can Nix Patterson Help With an Oil Field Injury Claim?

Nix Patterson has an impressive history of representing wronged parties in oil and gas litigation. For example, our attorneys reach a settlement with BP PLC for $2.6 million after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The Bay County, Fla., Tourist Development Council approved the settlement for tax revenue losses related to the spill.

Our personal injury attorneys also have represented workers who suffered catastrophic injuries because of other parties’ negligent acts. We will vigorously seek compensation for your losses from an oil field injury. Nix Patterson attorneys also can offer assistance in these kinds of claims:

Workers Compensation

Most employees in New Mexico can receive workers’ compensation if they suffer an oil field injury. Getting workers’ compensation differs from a personal injury claim. In workers’ comp claims, the injured oil field worker doesn’t have to prove negligence or recklessness by the company to receive compensation.

You can receive workers’ compensation for an oil field injury that was your fault. However, workers’ comp benefits in New Mexico are limited. As a result, you may not receive full compensation for your financial losses. You also will not be compensated for pain and suffering.

Personal Injury Claim

A personal injury claim is possible if you were hurt in the Hobbs oil field because of a third party’s negligence (not including your employer or co-workers). A personal injury claim usually alleges that the third party owed you a duty of care and failed to meet that standard. That failure led to your injuries.

For instance, suppose you worked in the Hobbs oil field last year, and a cement truck driver who works for another company hit you. You may be eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit against the truck driver and his company.

If faulty equipment caused your injuries in the oil field, Nix Patterson attorneys might be able to hold a product manufacturer liable. For example, modern oil wells have blowout preventers. But this equipment can fail when hit with extreme pressure from below, leading to possibly severe injury or death for nearby workers.

Wrongful Death

If you lost a loved one in an accident in the Hobbs oil field, you might be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit. This litigation can compensate for your loved one’s pain and suffering, lost future earnings, loss of inheritance, funeral and burial costs, and your emotional and mental anguish.

What Should You Do If You Have an Oil Field Injury?

If you were hurt on the job in the Hobbs oil field, the first step is to get medical attention immediately. It doesn’t matter if you think you’re ‘ok.’ You might not understand that you’re seriously injured for a few hours or days.

Next, tell your manager you were hurt, and follow your company’s protocol for reporting job site injuries.

Contact a Hobbs Oil Field Injury Attorney Now

Our Nix Patterson personal injury attorneys can help if you or a loved one suffered Hobbs oil field injuries. We know how to hold irresponsible oil and gas companies accountable when their negligence leads to worker injuries or deaths. Contact us today for a complimentary and confidential legal consultation about your oil field injury case.


Nix Patterson only works on a contingency fee basis. Our clients pay us nothing unless we win. Schedule a free consultation today. Call 512.328.5333 or complete the form below. 

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