NP Defeats Motions to Sever, Stay, and Transfer by Intel

NP serves as co-Lead Counsel in this action on behalf of Plaintiff DSS Technology Management, Inc. in United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas.  DSS alleges that Intel and various system integrators infringe DSS’s patents that claim semiconductor manufacturing processes and structures. On November 12, 2015, Judge Robert W. Schroeder III denied Intel’s omnibus motion to sever, stay, and transfer claims against Intel and its codefendants. Judge Schroeder found DSS alleged separate theories of infringement against Intel and other defendants, such that severance would only complicate the litigation. The case is set to proceed in the Eastern District of Texas.

NP’s intellectual property team—including associates Ross Leonoudakis and Winn Cutler—lead the prosecution of this case.

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