Were You or a Loved One Injured in the Deadly I-35 Truck Crash?
Nix Patterson Is Representing Victims and Their Families. Contact Us for a Free Consultation.

Lone Star Steel Litigation

When thousands of steelworkers at the Lone Star Steel Mill began to suffer from breathing problems and cancer, they came to Nix Patterson. These men and women spent their working lives making many of the steel products that form an integral part of our economy. But, instead of praise and wealth, all many of these workers got was cancer and other breathing problems caused by exposure to deadly silica and asbestos products. These workers and their families joined together with the lawyers of Nix, Patterson to bring the companies who made these products to justice. Their case, which came to be known as the Lone Star Steel Mill Toxic Tort Litigation, resulted in the payment of more than $90 million to these workers and their families.

NP’s founding partners Harold Nix and Cary Patterson successfully prosecuted the Lone Star Steel Litigation against some of the most skilled and expensive lawyers in the country for over a decade.

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