Were You or a Loved One Injured in the Deadly I-35 Truck Crash?
Nix Patterson Is Representing Victims and Their Families. Contact Us for a Free Consultation.

Settlements in Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Against Multiple Defendants

A predator lured boys to his home to molest them. After the culprit was sentenced to 99 years in prison, NP prosecuted a suit against several companies who had employed the child molester and enabled him to gain access to his victims. NP successfully recovered against each employer, although the settlement amounts remain confidential.

NP has extensive experience representing the victims of sexual assault, abuse, and molestation. We understand how these events change our clients’ lives. We litigate these cases to protect our client’s rights, but always remain sensitive to working with our clients through this very difficult time. Our clients were represented by NP partner Neil Smith in our Dallas, Texas office.

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