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Attorney Brad Beckworth’s Role in Johnny Manziel’s Management Team

SAN DIEGO — A wicked wind whips the waves on to an almost-deserted Mission Beach still shrouded by the early-morning fog. It’s 55 degrees on the shore but colder in the Pacific Ocean when Johnny Manziel wades into waist-deep water.

It’s the beginning of another nine-hour day for Manziel, working with quarterback guru George Whitfield Jr., for a third consecutive year. Manziel has a bigger purpose this year. He
wants to send a message to the NFL, in particular the Houston Texans, who have the first overall pick in the May draft.

Manziel — flamboyant on and off the field — is determined to show the Texans he’s more than just a Heisman Trophy winner with a trademark nickname and more than a prospect
whose natural ability can border on brilliance. He wants to demonstrate a laser-like focus and an endless drive for perfection.

Perhaps even more important, Johnny Manziel wants to distance himself from Johnny Football.

That is why he’s in the cold ocean water with Whitfield shouting commands, looking more like he’s training for the Navy SEALs than the NFL draft.

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