NP Among Top 50 for Securities Class Actions

In its 2009 Rankings of Top Plaintiffs’ Firms, RiskMetrics Group’s Securities Class Action Services (“SCAS”) unit ranked Nix, Patterson, LLP 8th in average settlement amounts recovered and 16th overall for total dollars achieved in final securities class action settlements for 2009.  In 2008, NP was ranked 2nd overall for total dol1lars recovered.

“Our ranking is proof positive that NP’s focused, hands-on approach to serving our institutional clients increases their recoveries.  The fact that we prosecute a much smaller volume of cases than the traditional securities firms makes us ever prouder of this recognition,” said NPR partner Jeff Angelovich.

The “SCAS 50” lists the top 50 plaintiffs’ firms ranked by the total dollar amount of final securities class action settlements occurring in 2009 in which the law firm served as lead or co-lead counsel.

The SCAS’ annual lists is intended to aid individual and institutional investors in maximizing shareholder value by highlighting those plaintiffs’ firms that are actively involved in bringing class actions and obtaining the most favorable outcomes for the classes they represent.

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